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Cape Town: Mainframe Cics/Mq Systems Programmer posted by Blue Pearl PTY LTD

Date 2024-12-25
Job Title Mainframe Cics/Mq Systems Programmer
Employer Blue Pearl PTY LTD
More Information
Salary 1
Category It Computer
Location Western Cape
/ Cape Town

Job Summary

A Mainframe CICS/MQ Systems Programmer is responsible for maintaining and supporting critical CICS (Customer Information Control System) and MQ (Message Queue) subsystems on mainframe systems. Their primary responsibilities include:
Install, update, and administer Mainframe CICS/MQ products.
Perform changes within Company regulations and security standards.
Assist with testing, implementation, and installation of new/improved systems, as well as product upgrades.
Attend meetings and regularly interact with management, team, and clients to improve services continuously.
Installing/upgrading/Maintaining IBM CICS/MQ and related ISV products such as Abend-Aid for CICS, File-Aid for CICS, DADS Plus, CICS VR, ISAM
Monitoring of CICS regions, CICS Region Build, MQ QMGR using tools like Mainview, Omegamon, SYSVIEW
Knowledge about the CICS and MQ functionality and architecture.


5+ years experience in z/OS system programming.
Installation, maintenance, problem diagnosis and administration of CICS/MQ
JCL, ISPF, and SMP/E proficiency.
Knowledge in day-to-day CICS systems programming support.
Working knowledge of z/OS, Unix System Services, SMP/E, RACF, Java, VSAM, Third party products.
Experience in CICS transaction server, related ISV products.
Excellent problem-solving skills.
Familiarity with database security standard processes.
Proficient English level B2 or above
Excellent and effective communication skills with management
Ability to work in diverse, multi-national and virtual environments
Self-motivated and tenacious personality

Mainframe Cics/Mq Systems Programmer position available in Western Cape, Cape Town. This job position was posted by Blue Pearl PTY LTD. The job has been posted as a premium ad on 2024-12-25 at 15:10:20 in the It Computer category

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Cape Town: Mainframe Cics/Mq Systems Programmer posted by Blue Pearl PTY LTD

A Mainframe CICS/MQ Systems Programmer is responsible for maintaining and supporting critical CICS (Customer Information Control System) and MQ (Message Queue) subsystems on mainframe systems. Their primary responsibilities include: Install, update, and ad

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