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Pretoria: Deputy Director: Governance And Institutional Performance

Date 2024-12-04
Job Title Deputy Director: Governance And Institutional Performance
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Salary Annually
Category Accounting Finance
Location Tshwane
/ Pretoria

Job Summary

Description of Tasks: Coordination of approval of the Strategic Plans (SPs) and Annual Performance Plans (APPs): Analyse drafts SPs and APPs of entities and provide feedback report/ conduct feedback meeting to entities on the first drafts of the SPs and APPs. Report/submission on the analysis of the SPs and APPs provided to entities. Prepare briefing notes for presentation of the final drafts of the entitys SPs and APPs to the Minister. Minister briefing notes. Facilitate the approval of the entitys SPs and APPs. Approved SPs and APPs for entities submitted to parliament and relevant. Facilitate tabling of the SPs and APPs to parliament ensure copies are distributed. SPs and APPs tabled, and relevant copies distributed accordingly. Coordination of the entities Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) and Estimates of National Expenditure (ENE) process: Communicate the MTEF guidelines with the entities. Communicated MTEF guidelines. Analyse MTEF budget options for submission to the National Treasury by the date set by Treasury. Analysed MTEF budget submissions. Send indicative MTEF allocations to the entities. Letters/Email sent with Indicative MTEF allocations. Analyse and consolidate entities ENE chapters for submission to the National Treasury by the date set by Treasury Analysed and consolidated ENE chapters. Coordination of approval of quarterly and annual reports: Consolidate inputs from Programmes. Consolidated quarterly and annual reports. Draft approval submissions for analysed quarterly and annual reports. Approved submissions of quarterly and annual reports. Provide feedback letters to entities after approval by the Minister. Approved Minister letters provided to entities. Prepare briefing notes for the Minister on the Annual Reports. Annual Reports briefing notes. Facilitate tabling of the AR to parliament ensure copies are distributed. AR tabled and relevant copies distributed accordingly. Coordination of the appointment of Boards/Chief Executive Officers and filling of board vacancies: Initiate the Ministerial submission: Call for nomination of suitable candidates to serve on the Board. Appointment of the advisory panel. Approved Minster submission and Boards of entities appointed by the Minister. Draft Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Panel and coordinate the meeting of the Advisory Panel. TOR approved and meeting coordinated. Ministerial submission submission of the names of shortlisted candidates recommended by the Advisory Panel. Approved Minister submission with Advisory panel recommendations. Draft a Cab memo for concurrence of the appointed members. Approved Minister submission with cabinet memo. Facilitate the signing of the appointment letters by the Minister. Signed appointment letters. Draft briefing notes for the inauguration of the Board to the Minister. Minister briefing notes drafted. Prepare submissions of the process for the appointment of company representatives to the Boards of Entities/Institutions. Company representatives appointed to Boards of Entities/Institutions. Facilitate the filling of vacancy after receiving request from the entity. Filled vacancy. Coordination of Institutional Reviews: Develop and maintain a calendar of institutional reviews dates. Updated institutional reviews calendar. Remind and receive institutional review reports. Sent reminders and received reviews. Submit the institutional review report to the relevant programmes and to the Minister. Institutional review submitted to Minister and programmes. Coordinate the implementation of recommendations and receive progress reports. Progress reports on the implementation of the recommendations received with progress reports. Coordination of compliance to the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and National Treasury Regulations: Draft submissions for approval of declarations of entities surplus/deficit. Approved submission for declarations of entities surplus/deficit. Facilitate the submission of entities procurement plans to National Treasury. Finalised entities procurement plans submitted. Respond to applicable PFMA compliance requirements. Entities compliance requirements addressed. Coordinate disposal of assets/ properties of entities. Entities assets/properties disposal coordinated. Competency Requirement: Knowledge: Knowledge of the Public Finance Management Act, National Treasury Regulations and other relevant legislation and polices relevant to public entities. Understanding of corporate governance processes, the facilitation of appointments for Boards or Councils of public entities, and the coordination of entities strategic and annual performance plans. Knowledge and understanding of monitoring the performance of public entities. Knowledge of the financial and non-financial report writing. Policy formulation and evaluation. Legislative drafting and interpretation. Skills: Report writing. Policy formulation and evaluation. Legislative drafting and interpretation. Financial management. Performance management. People management. Personal Attributes: Analytical thinking. Team player. Innovative. Experience: Minimum three years working experience in governance and institutional performance. Learning Indicators/Qualifications: NQF level 6 qualification in Public Management / Financial Management / Business Management / M&E/developmental Studies / Public Policy.

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Deputy Director: Governance And Institutional Performance position available in Tshwane, Pretoria. This job position was posted by . The job has been posted on 2024-12-04 in the Accounting Finance category

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