Renier Pieterse is an experienced Labour Law Practitioner with 26 years of experience in labour law/employment law.
Renier Pieterse Labour Law Practitioner provides a comprehensive range of Labour law consulting services and supports employees and employers. He provides the necessary advice and assistance throughout the various labour relations processes to ensure the best outcome for his clients.
The following is a sampling of our labour law/employment law services:
- Managing discipline
- Managing grievances
- Advice on contracts of employment
- Advice on policies and procedures
- Advice on Codes of Good Practices and agreements
- Advice on retrenchments
- Advice on poor work performance matters
- Advice on incapacity matters
- Advice on Conciliation
- Advice on Con-Arb
- Advice on Arbitration
- Union negotiations
- Wage negotiations
- Settling of Labour disputes
- Telephonic consultation
- E-mail consultation
- Skype consultation
- Drafting, implementation and revising of contracts of employment;
- Drafting, implementation and revising of policies and procedures;
- Drafting, implementation and revising of Codes of Good Practices and agreements
- Handling of retrenchments
- Handling of poor work performance matters
- Handling of incapacity matters
- BC or CCMA Representation – Conciliation
- BC or CCMA Representation – Con-Arb
- BC or CCMA Representation – Arbitration
Contact details:
E-mail: renier.labourlaw@gmail.com
Fax: 086 600 1838
Cell: 074 523 1898
WhatsApp:Â 074Â 523Â 1898