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South Africa: Dairy Cip Operator

Date 2024-12-05
Job Title Dairy Cip Operator
More Information
Salary R8500 CTC
Category Domestic Help
Location ZA
/ South Africa

Job Summary


Must have dairy experience Grade 12 Certificate Good product knowledge Caustic, Acid, and sanitizer as well as COP cleaning chemicals and cleaning equipment. Knowledge of Quality Compliance Principles. Knowledge of company policies and procedures Willing to work shifts


Responsible for the Cleaning (CIP and COP) of tanks, lines, flexi pipes, micro results, and any other instructions that the company may introduce from time to time. Adhering to all cleaning schedules and operating procedures during your shift. Cleaning of all areas, COP and CIP of tanks and flexi pipes, inlet and outlet pipes, butterfly valves, manhole covers, checking of gaskets daily. Inspection, removal and cleaning of spray balls before every CIP daily and reporting of any breakages or blockages in spray balls.

Dairy Cip Operator position available in ZA, South Africa. This job position was posted by . The job has been posted on 2024-12-05 in the Domestic Help category

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South Africa: Dairy Cip Operator

Requirements: Must have dairy experience Grade 12 Certificate Good product knowledge Caustic, Acid, and sanitizer as well as COP cleaning chemicals and cleaning equipment. Knowledge of Quality Compliance Principles. Knowledge of company policies and proced

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Dairy Cip Operator

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