Statutere Assistant
Posted on 2025-02-24
Salary | 0 |
Category | Finance Accounting |
Location | Western Cape / Western Cape |
Job Summary
STATUTERE ASSISTANT VIR GROEIENDE REKENMEESTERSFRIMAOns is dringend opsoek na n geskikte kandidaat vir ons groeiende Rekenmeestersfirma (Virtuele praktyk – “Remotely”Die pos behels die sekretrariele kant van Rekeningkundige veld.Begindatum : Onmiddelik/1 Maart 2025Pligte : Aanvangs korrespondensie van nuwe kliente, opstel op Greatsoft,SAGE en SARS Efiling. CIPC verwante registrasies en wysigings op Maatskappye, Beslote Korporasies.Indien van jaarlikse opgawes en Beneficial Ownership by Meester en CIPC. Opdatering van Trusts. Statutere registrasies by SARS en Department of Labour. Adhoc take soos versoek. Vereistes : Matriek Rekeningkundige kwalifikasie/ Indiepte werksondervinding van meer as 3 jaar.***CIPC ERVARING-NIE ONDERHANDELBAAR!!!!!! Oorheersend Afrikaanse kliente basis, dus Afrikaans en Engels magtig wees. Stiptelik met goeie tydsbeplanning. Eie Laptop /Rekenaar met goeie internet
Statutere Assistant position available in Western Cape, Western Cape. This job position was posted by KCH CONSULTING AND SERVICES. The job has been posted as a free ad on 2025-02-24 at 14:47:52 in the Finance Accounting category
Statutere Assistant position available in Western Cape, Western Cape. This job position was posted by KCH CONSULTING AND SERVICES. The job has been posted as a free ad on 2025-02-24 at 14:47:52 in the Finance Accounting category
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Western Cape: Statutere Assistant posted by KCH CONSULTING AND SERVICES
STATUTERE ASSISTANT VIR GROEIENDE REKENMEESTERSFRIMAOns is dringend opsoek na n geskikte kandidaat vir ons groeiende Rekenmeestersfirma (Virtuele praktyk - "Remotely"Die pos behels die sekretrariele kant van Rekeningkundige veld.Begindatum : Onmiddelik/1 M
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Statutere Assistant
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