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Keimoes: Fuel Depot Manager

Date 2024-11-22
Job Title Fuel Depot Manager
More Information
Salary R35,000-R40,000 CTC
Category Transport Logistics Warehouse
Location Kai Garib
/ Keimoes

Job Summary

Reporting to the Logistics Manager, the incumbent will co-ordinate, motivate and supervise the operational activities of the Depot. Be responsible for the distribution of products, ensuring that all customers receive efficient, timeous deliveries of products/goods. Requirements National Diploma in Logistics or similar 3-5 years related experience in fuel depot & fuel tanker maintenance Computer literacy Valid code EB license Required to work irregular hours, depending on changing fuel supply and demand conditions


Depot and road tanker security and safety Road tanker and static storage capacity optimisation Management of stock & depot assets Environmental management compliance Safe handling and storing of Fuel (hazardous material) Route planning & optimisation Fuel marketing Statutory, Financial & Administrative compliance Maintain internal & external stakeholder relations Utilise networks for new business opportunities

Fuel Depot Manager position available in Kai Garib, Keimoes. This job position was posted by . The job has been posted on 2024-11-22 in the Transport Logistics Warehouse category

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