Shift Wheat/Head Miller
Posted on 2025-03-17
Salary | 520000 |
Category | Manufacturing |
Location | Western Cape / Western Cape |
Job Summary
English-speaking Gr.12; Wheat Miller W-A;(Maize Miller M-A);Fumigation; Comp.Lit; 5 yrs Shift Wheat Miller/ Head Miller/ Production Mngr/meet QC/customer service/safety/ innovation/cost criteria/approve short/long term ops targets for cost reduction/CI quality/NPD/integration at plant level. Manage 8,5 & 31,25 ton/hour mills. Asset Mngt to achieve overall production parameters/ continuous availability of equip./reduced down time due to equip breakdown/reduced milling/eng. costs. Inventory mngt/maintain finished product/vitamins/additives model stock levels/consumable at agreed levels/mnfc losses eliminated. Financial mngt to achieve targeted production efficiency/CI/zero write offs. Corporate Governance to ensure adherence to co. policies & procedures/add to the value of the co./be beneficial to stakeholders in the long run. Must comply with statutory/co. requirements re. Health & Safety/ Risk/ Env./Quality Assurance/ Good Manufacturing Practices/Food Safety/Legislation/ consistent finished product scores/decrease customer complaints/achieve targeted scores in all audits. Mngt staff/teamwork/training to maintain high morale/improve plant availability/ production efficiency %/reduction in product deviations. Ensure targeted mnfc. efficiencies achieved within prescribed quality specs/mill run at design capacity/milling downtime <0.5% of the total milling hours in the mill. Mill A 3x 8-hour shifts; mill B 4 shift system. Western Cape F1102.
Shift Wheat/Head Miller position available in Western Cape, Western Cape. This job position was posted by PAR EXCELLANCE. The job has been posted as a free ad on 2025-03-17 at 12:50:17 in the Manufacturing category
Shift Wheat/Head Miller position available in Western Cape, Western Cape. This job position was posted by PAR EXCELLANCE. The job has been posted as a free ad on 2025-03-17 at 12:50:17 in the Manufacturing category
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Western Cape: Shift Wheat/Head Miller posted by PAR EXCELLANCE
English-speaking Gr.12; Wheat Miller W-A;(Maize Miller M-A);Fumigation; Comp.Lit; 5 yrs Shift Wheat Miller/ Head Miller/ Production Mngr/meet QC/customer service/safety/ innovation/cost criteria/approve short/long term ops targets for cost reduction/CI qua
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Shift Wheat/Head Miller
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